Sabato 16 e Domenica 17 Giugno 2012

Via Pianell 21 – Milano


FLOOR WORK e CONTACT IMPROVISATIONWorkshop con Robert Anderson e Marcella Fanzaga

Radicamento, Allineamento, Contatto e Improvvisazione…connettersi con la terra attraverso la colonna vertebrale e viaggiare nello spazio

Aperto a danzatori, attori, musicisti ed amanti del movimento.


ore 11.00 -12.00
Tecnica Release e Floor Work basati su Movimento Somatico ed elementi di BMC®con Marcella Fanzaga

Sviluppare consapevolezza e propriocezione durante il lavoro tecnico al suolo.

ore 12.15 -14.15
Dentro-Fuori: dalla contact improvisation all’insieme e allo spazio esterno
Contact Improvisation
con Robert Anderson

Riconoscendo il nostro centro come fonte di movimento ed espansione di energia, ci incontreremo attraverso danze di contact improvisation. Svilupperemo un terreno comune di abilità nel contatto per arrivare ad un dialogo fisico e cinestetico. Canalizzando l’energia attraverso il corpo scopriremo percorsi per fluire, volare e cadere insieme. Mentre ci armonizzeremo gli uni agli altri inizieremo a danzare dentro e fuori al contatto aprendo i nostri sensi a connessioni multiple.
Lavoreremo poi con diverse partiture e strutture di improvvisazione con un forte focus sullo sviluppo di una presenza poetica e giocosa nella danza.

ore 15.00 -17.00
Contact Improvisation e lavoro Site Specific all’esternoCon Robert Anderson e Marcella Fanzaga

una giornata (circa 5 ore di lavoro)

- 50€ entro il 10 Giugno 2012 con versamento dell’80% della quota
- 70€ dopo il 10 Giugno 2012 con versamento dell’80% della quota

due giornate (circa 10 ore di lavoro)

- 80€ entro il 10 Giugno 2012 con versamento dell’80% della quota
- 100€ dopo il 10 Giugno 2012 con versamento dell’80% della quota

Per chi viene da fuori Milano è possibile pernottare nello spazio, Rasen, organizzandosi con sacchi a pelo (sono a disposizione dei materassini) al costo di 15euro a notte.

INFORMAZIONI ed ISCRIZIONI: tel. 349 57 63 325


Marcella Fanzaga
danz’autrice e performer indipendente; ideatrice e curatrice del progetto The Meeting Point – Under the Roof e The Meeting Point – UNDER12.
Attualmente sta seguendo il percorso di formazione in Body-Mind Centering® e ha terminato i primi due anni conseguendo il titolo di Educatrice del Movimento Somatico (SME®)e di Educatrice del Movimento in Età Evolutiva ( ID ME®).

Robert Andersonè un artista della danza indipendente che risiede a Londra. Si occupa di contact – improvisation da oltre 15 anni, studiando con i grandi insegnanti americani ed europei (tra cui Nancy Stark Smith, Kirstie Simson, Martin Keogh, KJ Holmes, Andrew Harwood and Ray Chung) e insegnando improvvisazione e contact-improvisation in diversi contesti nel Regno Unito, nonché in festival internazionali in Germania, Israele, Polonia, Russia, Spagna e Italia. Ha partecipato ad incontri in co-docenza in Estonia, Svezia, Finlandia, Scozia, Inghilterra e Austria, è stato membro del team organizzativo di CI36 in Pennsylvania (2008) e dell’European Contact Improvisation Teachers Exchange in Ormskirk (Inghilterra).
Nell’insegnare l’improvvisazione Robert aiuta gli studenti a trovare connessioni profonde attraverso i sensi, invitando al piacere, al gioco e alla poesia per il corpo che danza.

Saturday 16th and Sunday 17th of June 2012
at SPAZIO RASEN – Via Pianell 21 – Milano – Italy


FLOOR WORK and CONTACT IMPROVISATIONWorkshop with Robert Anderson and Marcella Fanzaga
Grounding, Alignement, Contact and Improvisation…connecting with the earth trhough the spine and travel into space

Open to dancers, actors, musicians and movers in general.

h 11.00 - 12.00
Somatic Movement and BMC® principles applied to Release Technique and Floor Workwith Marcella Fanzaga

Developing awareness and proprioception during technique and floor work.

h 12.15 -14.15
Inside-Out: from contact improvisation to the ensemble to the outdoors
Contact Improvisation

with Robert Anderson

Starting by locating our centre as a source for movement and extension of energy, we’ll meet each other in contact improvisation dances. We’ll develop a common ground of contact skills to come into physical and kinaesthetic dialogues. Channelling the required energy through the body we’ll uncover pathways to glide, fly and fall together. As we tune-in to each other we’ll start to dance in and out of contact opening our senses to multiple connections. We’ll then work with different scores and structures for improvisation with a strong focus on developing a playful and poetic presence in our dancing.

h 15.00 -17.00
Contact Improvisation and Site Specific work outdoorwith Robert Anderson and Marcella Fanzaga

one day (about 5 hours work)

- 50€ within the 30th of April 2012 with payment of 80% of the fee
- 70€ after the 30th of April 2012 with payment of 80% of the fee

two days (about 10 hours work)

- 80€ within the 10th of June 2012 with payment of 80% of the fee
- 100€ after the 10th of June 2012 with payment of 80% of the fee

For non residents in Milano, it is possibile to find accomodation for the night, with sleeping bags, in the space Rasen, at cost of 15euros per night.

INFO and BOOKING: tel. 0039 349 57 63 325


Marcella Fanzagagraduated as a New Dance Performer at the School for New Dance Development in Amsterdam .
She is an SME® (Somatic Movement Education) and ID ME® (Infant Development Movement Education) practitioner and she is completing her training in BMC® (Body-Mind Centering).
She danced for choreographer like: Min Tanaka, Katie Duck and Masaki Iwana, being a member of his Butoh Company “Habillé d’Eau”.
She has researched and developed the art of improvisation collaborating with se vera l musicians, such as: Alessandro Bosetti, Maddalena Zeiro, Carlo Virzi, Fakhraddin Gafarov, Annamaria Cristian and Gianni Mimmo, amongst others.
Since November 2006 she is the Artistic Director of the Contemporary Dance Festival “Uscite di Emergenza” at Comuna Baires in Milano.
Since October 2008 she is the Curator of “The Meeting Point-Under the Roof”, international and interdis cip linary project of Improvisation and Instant Composition.
Within the project she has also started “UNDER12-creating wonders”, interdis cip linary and interactive improvisation performances for children and their caregivers

Robert Andersonis an independent dance artist based in London . He teaches improvisation and contact improvisation in Higher Education.
Robert has studied dance improvisation since 1996 with leading teachers from the US and Europe (including Kirsty Simson, Angus Balbernie, Nancy Stark Smith, Martin Keogh, KJ Holmes, Steve Paxton, Julyen Hamilton, Ray Chung).
After gaining a BA Dance and Culture at the University of Surrey , in 2000, he spent six months in San Francisco to train in contact and improvisational dance. Since 2001 Robert has been teaching and facilitating contact improvisation classes, jams and workshops in London . Robert has taught at international improvisation festivals in Germany , Israel , Poland , Russia and Italy and participated in co-teaching gatherings in Estonia , Sweden , Finland , Scotland and Austria . He was a curator for the CI36 celebration in Pennsylvania (2008) and part of the organising team for ecite09 in Ormskirk , England (2009).
He has performed in work by Jia-Yu Corti, Joe Moran, Kate Brown, Tino Seghal, Jovair Longo, Meghan Flannigan, Margot Henderson, Lalitaraja and Sarah Shorten. He currently performs with Touchdown Dance and the improvisation collective SoFt. His classes invite a sense of pleasure, play and poetry for the dancing body.
